The film opens with a hostage situation in South Dakota where FBI Agent Art Jeffries (Bruce Willis), who, as the inside man, protects a 11 year old kid named James while trying to talk a bank robber named Edgar Halstrom (Richard Riehle) into surrendering. However, the FBI task force kills the robbers and James. Jeffries […]
Rain Man
Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise), Los Angeles car dealer in his mid-twenties, is in the middle of importing four grey market Lamborghinis. The deal is being threatened by the EPA, and if Charlie cannot meet its requirements he will lose a significant amount of money. After some quick subterfuge with an employee, Charlie leaves for a […]
Autism Spectrum Disorders and Cinema Therapy
Autism Spectrum Disorders are disorders that fall on the autism spectrum or autistic spectrum. They describe a range of conditions called pervasive developmental disorders, which include autism, Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), childhood disintegrative disorder, and Rett syndrome, although usually only the first three conditions are considered part of the autism […]