The delightful sitcom The Big Bang Theory revolves around a character type rarely seen on television: The alpha geek. Physicists Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) get their lives shaken up when an attractive young woman named Penny (Kaley Cuoco) moves in to the apartment across from theirs. The key to the show, though, […]
Mad Men: The Series
Welcome to a world where Monday has a three drink minimum. Mad Men exists here and it’s a fabulous place to visit, back before Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique really made much of an impact and before the Surgeon General put warning labels on cigarettes. It was an America on the brink of social explosion and […]
The Midnight Meat Train
Leon (Bradley Cooper) is a photographer who heads into the city’s subway system at night to take photographs. He begins to investigate newsreels about midnight disappearances, which leads him to a butcher named Mahogany (Vinnie Jones), who he suspects has been killing subway passengers for over 100 years. He goes to the subway at midnight, […]
Cast Away
Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) is a FedEx systems analyst who travels worldwide. He lives with in Memphis, Tennessee with his girlfriend Kelly Frears (Helen Hunt). The couple plans to get married, but Chuck’s busy schedule makes it difficult. It’s Christmas 1995 and FedEx calls him away to resolve a problem in Malaysia. Kelly drives him […]
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