Millions tells the story of 7-year-old Damian (Alex Etel), a devout Catholic school boy, whose family moves to the suburbs of Widnes after the death of his mother. Soon after the move, Damian’s hermitage in a cardboard box by the train tracks is disturbed by a bag of money flung from a passing train. Damian […]
This film depicts Truman Capote (Philip Seymour Hoffman), during his research for his book In Cold Blood, an account of the murder of a Kansas family, the writer develops a close relationship with Perry Smith (Clifton Collins Jr.), one of the killers. The film opens in Kansas with the discovery of the dead bodies of […]
NYPD Blue: The Series
Within the first few minutes of the pilot episode, it’s clear what made NYPD Blue stand out from the rest of the cop show pack, as the characters express themselves in startlingly colorful language. This, combined with glimpses of nudity, earned NYPD Blue the reputation as R-rated television–but just about every episode demonstrates the propulsive […]
When newlywed Madeleine (Embeth Davidtz), an art dealer, travels from Chicago to North Carolina to pursue a local, self-taught painter for her outsider art gallery, she takes the opportunity to meet the family of her husband George (Alessandro Nivola) who live close by.There is his judgmental mother Peg (Celia Weston), his reserved father Eugene (Scott […]