Leave It To Beaver premiered on CBS-TV on Friday, October 4, 1957, and continued on network TV for a total of six seasons, finishing its 234-episode run in 1963. Each of the six seasons consisted of exactly 39 episodes, a hefty number by today’s seasonal standards. CBS carried the show for the first season only. […]
The Dick Van Dyke Show: The Series
Before The Dick Van Dyke Show, suburbia was never portrayed on television as a haven of sophistication. We never followed Ozzie Nelson to work. And we never, ever fantasized what Ward and June Cleaver did behind closed doors. But Your Show of Shows veteran Carl Reiner’s groundbreaking series broke the staid, sitcom mold.Just consider Mary […]
Ruby in Paradise
Florida-based independent filmmaker Victor Nunez gave young actress Ashley Judd her breakthrough role with his original script about a woman taking to the road to escape her past and forge a new future for herself. Feeling smothered and confused after the death of her mother, Ruby Lee Gissing (Judd) flees her Tennessee home. She drives […]
Green Acres: The Series
Eddie Albert spent six seasons appealing to the whacked out citizens of Hooterville to behave in a rational and orderly manner. Naturally, he got just what he deserved–the gradual erosion of his own mental stability. Aficionados of this show like to call it surreal. All one can add to that, to paraphrase the classic title […]